Surrogacy; It is the situation where the embryo, which is formed by fertilization outside by taking the ova and sperm from the mother and father, becomes pregnant through the womb of another mother. The woman who carries and gives birth to the baby in her womb is called a surrogate mother. Surrogacy is frequently preferred by mothers who want to have a baby and have no problems with their eggs. Although the egg cells of these mothers we have mentioned are produced in a healthy way, the uterus may be removed due to any negative situation that may occur in the uterus region. In such a case, surrogate mothers may be preferred since it is not possible to get pregnant. In this process, which is carried out under the control of doctors, the cells taken from the mother and father are combined in the external environment and left completely inside the womb of another mother. Before these procedures are performed, detailed researches are carried out by the doctors about whether the tissues of the surrogate mother are suitable for the baby.
Who Should Choose the Surrogacy Method?
- Congenital absence of uterus
- Women who have had their womb removed by surgery
- Permanent pregnancy loss
- In cases such as Asherman's syndrome, although the woman has a uterus, the uterus is not suitable for pregnancy.
- In cases where it is risky for the woman to give birth. Significant heart and similar diseases may pose a life risk.
Surrogacy in our country;
Although it is not legal in many parts of the world, it is a legal treatment method in our country. The mother whose egg is legally fertilized is the genetic mother, and by all laws, the real mother is the person whose egg is fertilized. The mother who gives birth and becomes pregnant is known as a surrogate mother and is recorded in this way.
Surrogacy in Turkey;
In terms of laws in Turkey, the baby's mother is recorded as the woman who gave birth to him. From the legal point of view, the mother who will take the baby after the birth will register the birth certificate on her own behalf, but the real mother of the baby is the woman who gave birth to it. This means changing the lineage of the baby, and changing the lineage is a crime according to the Turkish Penal Code.
Who Can Be a Surrogate Mother?
- Women who are young and healthy
- Women without any contagious disease
- Women without alcohol-smoking and drug-substance addiction
- Women with previous healthy live births
- Women without a history of gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia in previous pregnancies
- Women whose social life and psychological status are suitable for surrogacy
- Women without a chronic disease (diabetes, hypertension, etc.)
- Women who are not very thin or obese