Mitochondria Transfer (Cytoplasm Transfer)

Mitochondrial transplantation is one of the most curious topics among couples considering IVF treatment. In answer to the question of whom mitochondrial transplantation is performed, we can say that women who have problems with early menopause or who have difficulty in conceiving due to low egg quality can say. It is also known as cytoplasm transfer among the people. We use the patient's own nuclear chromosome and the young mitochondrial chromosome. Genetically, the child to be born carries the mother's gene at a rate of 80-85%.


Things to Know

Studies and procedures related to this issue continue in our hospital. Mitochondria transfer, which is done to increase egg quality, is done by injecting mitochondria or cytoplasm (cell fluid) from a young woman into the cell of an older woman.



You can contact us for detailed information about the procedure.



As a result, the importance of transferring the mitochondria to the damaged tissue and organ by isolating the mitochondria from the patient's own tissue or externally by benefiting from the therapeutic properties of the stem cells has proven to be promising, although it is a new approach to the medical world.

Mitochondria Transfer (Cytoplasm Transfer)
Mitochondria Transfer (Cytoplasm Transfer)

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