Sperm Donation

Sperm donation is an in vitro fertilization treatment method applied for men who do not have sperm production for various reasons, who have little or whose existing sperm structure does not have the capacity to create a quality embryo. It is based on the process of placing the embryo, which is formed with sperm from a healthy donor and egg cells of the expectant mother, into the uterus of the expectant mother.

Sperm donation is mostly recommended for patients diagnosed with azoospermia who do not have their own sperm cells in IVF treatment or for people who do not want to pass on their genetic diseases to their babies. However, it is a method preferred by women who are single, do not plan to get married but want to have children.


Who Is Sperm Donation Recommended For?

  • Men who do not have sperm cells due to congenital or acquired reasons (azoospermia)
  • Men with a contagious disease such as HIV
  • Men with a diagnosed inherited disease
  • Men who cannot find sperm cells despite using the microtese method.
  • Women who want to be single parents
  • Poor results in IVF treatment due to sperm quality
  • Men with a viral disease that cannot be cleared from semen
  • Detection of severe chromosomal abnormality in sperm
  • The man is Rh+ and therefore isoimmunization has been detected in the woman's previous pregnancy

How is Sperm Selected?

Our hospital does not accept external sperm donation. The sperm used for donation in our center are brought in special nitrogen tanks with special certificates from Denmark Cryos International, which has the largest, most reliable and widest sperm pool in the world. The sperms to be transferred are under the control of the Ministry of Health.

Sperm banks also share features such as skin color, eye color, hair color, height, weight, and ethnicity with our center. Considering these features, sperms with the most suitable features are prepared for your treatment.

What is the Sperm Donation Treatment Process?

The couples who are to receive the donated sperm are first informed by our doctor. Information about the donor is also given. If the couples want, they can get information about the donor such as physical structure, test results, body structure and blood group from the specialist. A consent form is signed by the couple, stating that the couples accept the donation voluntarily and that they are informed about the procedure before the procedure is started. The treatment to be applied after that is the methods applied in standard IVF treatment. Medication is started for the development and maturation of the egg. When the eggs reach the desired size after 10-12 days, a needle is made to crack the eggs. On the 1-2 days following this, the hatched eggs are collected. On the same day, the sperm taken for sperm donation are fertilized with eggs. The embryo formed as a result of fertilization is transferred to the uterus of the expectant mother. A pregnancy test is performed 10-12 days after this procedure. After the pregnancy has occurred, the follow-up of the pregnancy can continue as if the pregnancy had occurred naturally. The actual pregnancy is no different from a normal pregnancy, except for the method of conception.

Sperm Donation
Sperm Donation

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