Gender Selection
Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, or PGD, is generally used to detect chromosomal abnormalities as part of IVF treatment.
In Northern Cyprus, this test also legally determines the sex of transferred embryos. There are two types of pre-implantation diagnosis:
• PGT-A is performed on 5 chromosomes including X and Y
It ensures that the transferred embryos do not contain chromosomal abnormalities such as Down syndrome (trisomy 21), Edwards syndrome (trisomy 18), Patau syndrome (trisomy 13), Klinefelter syndrome, Turner syndrome. In PGT, embryo transfer can be performed in the same cycle, 5 days after oocyte retrieval. Embryos are subjected to PGT on day 3 of in vitro development, with a result 48 hours later, which corresponds to the day of transfer.
• NGS is performed on 23 pairs of chromosomes
It guarantees that the transferred embryos are completely free of chromosomal abnormalities. It is particularly recommended when the patient is over 40 years old.
In NGS, embryo transfer is postponed to a later cycle. Embryos are subjected to NGS on day 5 of in vitro development and then vitrified. The result is obtained within 3 weeks. The patient takes a contraceptive pill during the period following the puncture. During her next menstrual cycle (or a later cycle at the patient's choice), embryo transfer is performed after preparing the uterus for approximately 3 weeks.
PGD determines the sex of the embryos and also ensures that the transferred embryos are free of chromosomal abnormalities. This allows pregnancy success rates of up to 90% to be achieved. The sex of the transferred embryo(s) is guaranteed.
During a phone conversation, we will discuss your medical history, previous pregnancies, general health, etc. Then, I will send you the different tests needed to plan your treatment. In the general case, a blood test and an ultrasound scan are necessary for women (or a hysteroscopy or HSG if you have had it recently). For men, a blood test and a spermogram are necessary.
Once your tests are done, we will send you the prescriptions for the medications that will be needed for egg stimulation and after the treatment, then we will determine together the appropriate treatment (PGT or NGS), the logistics, the planning and everything else that is needed for your stay.
Once your file is complete, there is no waiting period. The treatment starts with your period on the cycle of your choice and lasts about twenty days in total, including one week in Cyprus.
For more details on these two technologies, see our Genetic Diagnosis with PGT page.