Egg Donation
Egg Donation is also called egg transplant or egg donation. The egg donation process, which is performed by taking the egg cells used in the IVF process from a healthy woman other than the mother-to-be, is called egg donation. Egg donation is a method recommended for women with ovarian failure and women who want a child at an advanced age. Egg Donation is a legal In-Vitro Fertilization method in our country. However, since it is not legally practiced in every country, Cyprus is shown as the most experienced country in this treatment method.
The success rates of egg donation and IVF treatment may differ from person to person. Age, intrauterine condition, sperm quality and general health are among the factors affecting success. In general, the success of in vitro fertilization with egg donation is 85%.
Who Is Egg Donation Recommended For?
- Women who do not have egg production despite having ovaries,
- Women whose ovaries have been surgically removed,
- Women who were found to have poor egg quality in previous IVF trials,
- In cases of early menopause,
- Couples with more than one unsuccessful IVF attempt,
- Women whose ovaries have been damaged due to chemotherapy or radiation therapy,
- Women with a genetic disease and therefore recurrent miscarriage
- Women whose ovarian functions are not sufficient due to advanced age
What are the tests to be done before the egg donation procedure?For Women;
- Hemogram (Blood count)
- Progesterone
- E2
- prolactin
- Blood group
- FT4
- FT3
- HBsAg
- AntiHIV
- AntiHCV
- Uterine film (HSG)
For Men
- sperm analysis
- Blood group
- HBsAg
- AntiHIV
- AntiHCV
Egg Donor
Care is taken to ensure that the egg donor has similar physical characteristics with the mother and father candidates. Donors selected are as similar as possible to the recipient couples in terms of blood groups, ethnic origins and external appearance characteristics. Confidentiality is essential during the treatment and personal information about the donor is not given to the mother and father, while the donor is not given any information about the mother and father.
The criteria we consider before including donors in our treatment protocol are summarized below;
- Must be between the ages of 20-29
- No problems with necessary blood tests, including serological, infectious diseases, mediterranean anemia, and chromosome analysis
- Preferably having a previous healthy birth
- No family history of any genetic or physical disease
- Non-smokers, no abuse of alcohol or any substance
- No problem after psychological evaluation and gynecological evaluation to be performed in our hospital
Stimulation of the ovaries;
Egg donor and patient start treatment simultaneously. 2-3 days of egg donor period. Egg stimulant drug treatment is started on the same day as in classical IVF treatment. Then, with the process called OPU, the eggs are collected and fertilized with the sperm of the male partner of the family who wants a child on the same day and become an embryo.
How is the egg donation medical treatment process?
The recipient woman needs the necessary preparation for the implantation of the intrauterine embryo. Hormonal support is required for the baby to hold on. For this, the treatment is arranged by us. Embryo transfer is planned when the intrauterine is sufficient for the baby to settle. This pre-treatment process takes approximately 14-16 days.
When should sperm be given to fertilize the eggs?
Sperm are necessary for fertilization of the egg. For this, the donor must be at our center on the day of egg collection (OPU) and give sperm. Before this procedure, 3-5 days of sexual abstinence is recommended. In the special sperm delivery room, the sperm is taken into a special container by masturbation method. Making the sperm suitable for the process is done under laboratory conditions and the most suitable sperms are selected for fertilization. If the donor is not able to give sperm on the day of egg collection, the man can come and give sperm in our center beforehand. The collected sperm is frozen and stored. In the fertilization process, the frozen sperm of the man can be used by thawing.
How is the embryo development and transfer process?
Sperm and eggs are fertilized in a laboratory environment with the microinjection method, which is an advanced technique. Following this process, the development of the embryos is monitored in a culture medium. Depending on the embryo development and the patient's conditions, the transfer is made between the 3rd and 5th days. The number of embryos to be transferred is determined by the decision together with the patient, depending on the patient's health conditions, the condition of the uterus, and the quality of the embryo. The transfer process is a painless procedure, it takes about 10 minutes. Anesthesia is not required.
When should a pregnancy test be done?
After the embryo transfer, the patient is asked to have a beta-Hcg test in the blood within 10-12 days. After this stage, the standard gestation period begins. After pregnancy, the patient continues to use their medications for up to 3 months.
Can the genetic characteristics of the mother be transferred to the baby in egg donation?
In egg donation, the baby's DNA is transferred from the egg donor and father-to-be. Therefore, expectant mothers must be aware that their genetic characteristics cannot be transferred to their babies. Research in this area is still ongoing. Studies indicate that the uterine environment is effective in conditions such as brain development, childhood metabolism, and immune system.
While the baby is in the womb, the embryonic fluid provides mother and baby communication. There are some studies showing that the mother's genetic characteristics and pleasures are passed on to the child in this way.